Episode: 14,281 – A doggy, Kitty or rabbit is out there to fill you with love and joy.

Estimated read time 1 min read
14,281 A doggy, Kitty or rabbit is out there to fill you with love and joy.


An email full of kitties, doggies, guinea pigs and other furry friends, then a conversation with Kathryn Schubert, MBA, of the Connecticut Humane Society. Contact the shelter at 800-452-0114 or info@cthumane.org

Do we come from dust and return to dust? Yes. Well, I just looked under the couch and someone’s either coming or going!
A Real Bunny Joke
Why did the bunny-rabbit want to be changed into a goon within 24 hours? So she could be hare today and goon tomorrow.
Bilingual Dog
Somebody asked a dog if she was bilingual, and she said, “Woof woof. Meow.”
What do you call...
…a veterinarian who specializes in elephant skin disease? A pachydermatologist.

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