Hymn 138: “All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name”
All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall,
Let angels prostrate fall,
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Bible verse: Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”
You can do all things through GOD who gives you strength. You can do all things through LOVE which gives you strength.
Vocabulary word: Aesthete
A person who makes much of the beautiful, maybe too much.
Feel Great
A man says “I haven’t felt this great since my wife lost her credit card.”
Going Places
“Dad, don’t be so hard on my new boyfriend. He’s just a young man who’s going places.” DAD: “The sooner, the better.”
Microwave Oven
Why did the inventor cross a television with a microwave oven? So he could watch “60 Minutes” in a quarter of an hour.
Washing Machine Talk
They have cars that talk, they have scales that talk. Well, they should make a washing machine that talks so it can tell you what it did with the other sock.
Why should IBM and Goodyear merge? So they can manufacture a computer that can make snap decisions.
You should pay your income tax with Kleenex, because you’re paying through the nose.
Upside-down Lighthouse
Why did they invent the upside-down lighthouse? It’s for submarines.
Midas Muffler
Why did the man quit his job at Midas Muffler? It was exhausting.
Plant Manager
The girlfriend, trying to size up the new boyfriend’s financial ability, asked “What do you do for a living?” He said “I’m a Plant Manager.” And the friend said “Yes, it’s his job to water them at night.”
What do you call a Veterinarian who specializes in elephant skin disease? A pachy-dermatologist.
Vocabulary word: Affable
Easy to speak to, courteous and amenable, in response to another’s address
Vocabulary word: Affectation
Putting on false airs. Attempt to exhibit what is not real or natural. Could be the opposite of affable.
Vocabulary word: Affecting
Influencing the sensibilities, stirring the emotions, suggests a more or less transitory impression, applies to that which arouses sympathy or pity.
Vocabulary word: Affiance
Trust or allegiance.
Tags: Bible, hymn, passage, vocabulary